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Regarding the forum activity -- yes, Aether-HetaliaRPG still active.
But considering the hiatus of majority of the users, some character activities may have to be on hold.
Still, feel free to join or leave your interactions.

For further inquiries, please visit the chatzy page for the moderators' accommodation. Thank you!


 Race & Titles

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Posts : 166
Join date : 2015-04-18
Location : King's Landing, Westeros

Race & Titles Empty
PostSubject: Race & Titles   Race & Titles Icon_minitimeWed 22 Apr 2015, 19:14

Listed on this section are the examples of numerous available races(other than human) and titles within the kingdom(Kings, Queen, Lords, Ladies, etc. aside). You may choose what your character may become, so long it is sensible and would not stray far from  its canon personality and history.

*These are just lists of examples. Come up with your best idea for your character--so long as the mods can approve it. Imagination is your limit!



Race & Titles 1px7wn
The Order of the Golden Fleece
These are the limited chosen elite knights personally appointed by the King himself for protection. The Fleece are considered the best knights of the land and have chosen a life of servitude to the Royal Family at all times. They are sworn to a brotherhood and chained with an oath not to wed, inherit land or power, or have children until released by death itself from their duty.


  • Maester - One per each house. Often known as scholars, healers, learned men and alchemists.
  • Knights
  • Handmaidens


  • Capitol Commissioners - In charge of the Embassy. Deals with the affairs of the people within the Capitol.
  • Village Tavern Owner
  • Baker
  • Florist
  • Artist
  • Singer
  • Jester
  • Smithy & Armory Owner/Blacksmith
  • Brothel Owner
  • Prostitute
  • Merchant
  • Trader


  • Rouge Knights
  • Thieves
  • Clerics
  • Pirates



Race & Titles 2uzc67s

These magical individuals originally live within the confines of the forests of the Kingdom -- usually in Viridian. Though from time to time, they traveled and sometimes chose to settle within human villages. There are mixed perceptions to the race, some thinking they are evil and others believing they can be good to humans. Still, some wizards and witches believed it was best to keep their identity in secrecy, but others are very well famous in mastering the arts of magic. One of the greatest and most famous sorcerer of the history of Aether is Lord Arthur of the House Arthethon -- being a direct descendant of the earliest wizard of the kingdom. This is extremely bloodline related (clearing the royal families from the possibility).

Race & Titles 21nh736

Mermaids and mermans are a rare kin that live within the salt-water parts of the kingdom. Through time, it was believed that they have developed a way to turn their tails into legs and are thought to deceit humans with their charms and lure them into following, which leads into death from drowning as a form of sacrifice to the sea. Though much of the kingdom despise them for this folklore, the region of Forbitrelse believes they are the angels of some sort by their gods that positioned the mermaids to guide them through the waters when embarking journeys.
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