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Regarding the forum activity -- yes, Aether-HetaliaRPG still active.
But considering the hiatus of majority of the users, some character activities may have to be on hold.
Still, feel free to join or leave your interactions.

For further inquiries, please visit the chatzy page for the moderators' accommodation. Thank you!


 Frequently Asked Questions - F.A.Q.s

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Posts : 166
Join date : 2015-04-18
Location : King's Landing, Westeros

Frequently Asked Questions - F.A.Q.s Empty
PostSubject: Frequently Asked Questions - F.A.Q.s   Frequently Asked Questions - F.A.Q.s Icon_minitimeTue 21 Apr 2015, 16:54


1. How:

A. How to create a character?

You can create a character by filling up the character sheet under this thread: Character Creation and wait for one of the mods to approve it.

B. How do you start?

- Assuming that you have read the rules and regulations -- and you already know how to start a para-RP whether you may be experienced or not, you can start by posting yours under the places that are listed on the main page of the forum. Examples of theses places/threads are: Capitol: Village Tavern, Silny: Winter Woods, Fastus: Devon Island etc.

Frequently Asked Questions - F.A.Q.s 11130766_807276609349390_1891948434_n

A guide is created to help familiarize with the threads of the forum. The yellow are divisions or categories alone, and listed as a sub-sub topics are the essential and solid places to leave your starters or join people who are posting.

C. How to interact?

- After posting your starter (see the question 1-A), you can either wait for another player to join you and start a conversation with you. OR, you can be the one to come into the company of the others. The main key here is not to be shy and interact, interact, interact. So long as it won't leave your character's boundary of personality and registered headcanon.

D. How does the time and date work?

- There is this another thread pinned on our dashboard entitled: UPDATES: Season, Time, & Events.

Its main use is for the admin and moderator to post what occasion to follow. For example, a mod updated the forum to "NIGHT" under the time of the day that means the entire forum is set on nighttime, to be changed to daytime only after a few days. One week in real time is equivalent to 12 hours in the RP community. Meaning an entire 24 hours in the game would equal to two weeks, thus 48 hours/two days(RPG time) in one month (real time).
The importance of this is to have control over the time of each character's clock. One cannot simply dictate it's morning when the others say it's night time.

Season are also posted here, though Silny and Vires would be an exception to this tool. Given their geographical location (North and South), these two are the most unlikely to easily change weather. Other lands, however, are supposed to be controlled by the four-seasons.

Events are to be planned every now and then. A king's celebration, for an example, would be announced here. It would require all the lands to attend and partake with the event- meaning all the characters registered. Further details of events are usually explained to each and every members before being held.

DISCLAIMER: This is a fictional RPG based on the manga/anime "Hetalia: Axis Powers". The medieval theme is heavily inspired by the epic-fantasy series "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin and the game "Dungeons and Dragons".
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