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 Nordlys Island

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PostSubject: Re: Nordlys Island   Nordlys Island - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon 18 May 2015, 01:49

Emil nodded in affirmation and scooted over to the end of the bed so his legs dangled besides his boots. After he laced them softly he inquired " Who did you bring here?" Emil wasn't opposed per-say, but he would prefer to know who was in his home. He cast a glance at the woman whom was still kicking her legs like a child. She seemed innocent and kind, someone who could talk all day and not tire.

What is she doing here with someone like Lukas, he thought confused. As far as he could tell his brother wasn't exactly the most sociable being. Unless... that was his lady? Emil internally shook his head, the likeliness of that was next to impossible. They must just be friends, he decided.
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PostSubject: Re: Nordlys Island   Nordlys Island - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon 18 May 2015, 02:00


Ah, yes, here we go. "Emil, this is Michelle, she's a mermaid. Now with legs." Lukas said, gesturing to the brunette. His face was still as expressionless as ever, but he hoped Michelle knew it by now that that was his usual face. "Michelle, this is Emil, my brother..though I think you already know that." Lukas then said, gesturing to his brother.

He found introducing people to each other very socializing, and he was not one for that. But, he and Michelle had grown somewhat closer to each other and he thought that Emil had the right to know of Lukas' few friends. He waited for the two to interact before they were going to head back to the island. Eyeing Michelle, hazel eyes meeting sapphires, he was quietly asking if she were to go first.
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PostSubject: Re: Nordlys Island   Nordlys Island - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon 18 May 2015, 02:19


She steadily stood up from her seat the moment Lukas had called Emil to introduce them to each other, but was quickly taken aback at how the blonde had bluntly introduced her as a mermaid-- just like that. "A-Ah?!" Her shocked, golden eyes met Lukas' ever dull blue pair, and she could feel the blood rush to her cheeks. "IT W-WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A SECRET!" She blurted out-- or screamed, rather, with her hands balling into fists. There, nice way of confirming things, isn't it, Michelle? She bit down her lip to stop herself from yelling more, and she turned around swiftly, away from the brothers.

Well, she knew it was rude to just turn away from them just like that. But it was Lukas' fault! He didn't even ask if it was fine to just tell him the truth, besides, she could've told Emil herself! With a heavy sigh, she spun around-- instinctively now that she's gaining more control of her new legs, and stomped a foot on the wooden flooring of the cabin. "W-Well... I'm sorry for my behavior, but at the same time, I'm not, too." Michelle shot Lukas a quick glare, just to let him know she wasn't at all pleased with the sudden revelation before frowning and walking towards the duo. One hand swinging from her side lazily, the other holding on to the strap of her bag. Alright, so Lukas must trust Emil this much if he just bluntly pointed it out like that, right? Unless he lacked sleep and or sensitivity. Nonetheless..."Since your his brother... I suppose I can trust you." Her voice got a bit quieter with this, and she rubbed her other arm uneasily. Her gaze rested on his pair of violet as she introduced herself properly. "Well, again, my name is Michelle... And I hope despite our differences, we could be friends, just like your brother and I." who lacks sensitivity, she wanted to add. Instead, she just forced a small smile on her face and bowed her head.
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PostSubject: Re: Nordlys Island   Nordlys Island - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue 19 May 2015, 17:54

Emil blinked, she was a mermaid? He glanced at her and decided that was plausible. She was tan and as far as he was aware Lukas never went to the other Kingdom. I wonder how she's able to be on land, actually how does she have legs? He wondered, puzzled. Her sudden outburst startled him out of his thoughts and he flinched.

Right, Lukas had no tact, he silently affirmed. Emil nodded at her apology, although Lukas was equally guilty in this case. He watched as she walked towards him and was impressed with her walking abilities for living, he presumed, with a tail for most of her life. Her unease matched his own, although he didn't show it as much. This was someone, practically a stranger, who would be attending the ball with them. Lukas seemed to trust her, but Emil would decides he would leave that to his judgment. Still, being polite would be the best thing to do.

He listened to her introduce her, and bowed his head in return, his hair falling in his face. The Nordic straightened, " Michelle, as he," He gestured to Lukas. " Has probably mentioned enough within this last hour, I'm Emil." His lips twitched slightly into a smirk. " He's rather tactless, however we should be leaving."
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PostSubject: Re: Nordlys Island   Nordlys Island - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue 19 May 2015, 18:09


The blonde shrugged, noticing his own failure to keep Michelle's little secret a secret. He actually felt guilty himself as he eyed the brunette with a hint of the emotion in his dull blue eyes. He listened to both of them interact a little and just accepted the little fact that Emil pointed out on the end and nodded.

"Right, we should go." Lukas said, extending her hand to Michelle, hoping that the other would take it despite the mistake the blonde had done. "We'll head back to the beach, my ship is there." he explained as they started to walk out of the door and onto the greenery outside once more. Although it was already nighttime, the forest was still coated with a smooth and easy light brought by the fireflies. This was also one thing that Lukas had missed. The scenery was beautiful, although he tried to mask his awestruck expression by looking on forward. He wasn't going to show this side when Emil was here. Even when the blonde was his was still different; although he knew that that was his own fault.
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PostSubject: Re: Nordlys Island   Nordlys Island - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue 19 May 2015, 18:54


The belle stifled her laughter with the back of her hand. "Yes, tactless indeed." She agreed, shooting Lukas with a smug face before looking outside the windows. Ah, the sun has set already... And the stars are out there in the sky, looking down at them. She nodded then, and turned again to Lukas with a raised brow. Oh, he was offering his hand for her to take. Her brows furrowed in thought, eyes glancing at the older Nordic's face, then to his hand, and then back again.

Finally, Michelle exhaled noisily, lazily grabbing his pale hand. "Fine." Answered the brunette rather grumpily, still a little upset. But everyone knows she really couldn't hold a grudge forever, especially Lukas was her first friend and teacher. Her attention deviated to imagining what a human party looked like instead. Hand in hand, they walked out of the cabin, only to be greeted by a rather magical sight again.

Her jaw dropped. Lightning bugs that scattered around the place, twinkling like real stars and lighting up the forest. The twinkling lights of the fireflies reflected on her wide, honey-colored eyes. They went on walking but her gaze never left the scenery. "Lukas, Lukas," Michelle said, tugging on her teacher's sleeve. "What are those?! Stars! Little stars in this forest?"

((we better get them fancy schmancy clothes first at Moat Freija, or if Lukas has some aboard his ship, then lol, okay.))
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PostSubject: Re: Nordlys Island   Nordlys Island - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue 19 May 2015, 19:14


He slowed his walking since, letting the curious girl take in the beautiful scenery. He almost chuckled, almost smiled when he felt her tug and turned his head to see her curious and excited face. "They're fireflies." Lukas replied with a light, although amused, tone. "They come out here every night, I think." he said. He wasn't really sure if anything had changed from when he left, but he saw that the nightly fireflies that always seemed to enjoy lighting the way never really left. This brought back distant memories from his past and he refused to look back at his little brother.

The three continued their little trek back to the beach where his ship was still present.

((uhm, we should probably head to Moat Freija first since idk if Lukas carries dresses around on his ships x'DD))
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PostSubject: Re: Nordlys Island   Nordlys Island - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue 19 May 2015, 20:02


"Fireflies." She repeated after him, still staring at the little critters buzzing about around the darkness. Her grin was wide and brilliant; it was too obvious she was so happy about this little scene. She craned her head upwards. The fireflies really seemed like the stars that flew down to earth!

By this time they were nearing the shore where Lukas had docked his ship. "We're coming back here later, right?" She asked Lukas, looking up to him with those all too eager honey eyes. After all, she's gonna live here! The brunette swiftly cast a glance at Emil next, and flashed him a smile. "Right? You'll watch fireflies with us too!"

After a short journey through Nordlys forest, the trio were at the beach, the grass and soil beneath their feet (well, Michelle's, the two were wearing boots) had soon turned to sand. The salty air and crashing of the waves welcomed them upon arrival. A viking ship was docked not too far off.

((Aye, darling.))
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PostSubject: Re: Nordlys Island   Nordlys Island - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed 20 May 2015, 08:37

Emil watched calmly as Lukas extended his hand to Michelle, which she seemed to take with reluctance and a pout. He marveled how clearly her expressions conveyed every emotion she was feeling. While it seemed foolish to him, that was just how he was raised over his first seven years of his life.

As he followed them out of the door, Emil grabbed his satchel with all of his navigational supplies, and closed the door behind him. The silver haired Nordic trailed behind the other two as he quietly observed their interactions. Michelle seemed perfectly comfortable with physical contact and seemed completely at ease with them as they strolled through the forest.

Emil let his eyes wander around the familiar scenery. The tree's were tall enough and thick with foliage, so majority of the night sky was hidden.

The silver haired boy turned his attention to the two when Michelle exclaimed excitedly almost like a child when she saw the fireflies come into view. The tiny creatures of light lit up their darkened path enough so he could see the others more clearly. The sound of Lukas' voice as he explained the fireflies to Michelle reached his ears, but Emil could feel tension underlying Lukas' skin despite the fondness he had for their companion. Or so he suspected, Lukas was practically a stranger to him. And with a twinge of pain,he realized Michelle knew the current Lukas better than he did. Emil sharply inhaled. After all, he only had memories of the old Lukas.

Emil was pulled out of his thoughts when Michelle turned her head towards him with a smile. He gave a small nod in response to her question although he wasn't really paying attention to the fireflies.

When they reached the shore he quickly caught sight of the ship docked on the shore. That must be Lukas' ship he thought as he continued to trail behind the others.

"Have you ever been on a ship?" , Emil inquired Michelle, trying his hand at small talk to ignore the uneasiness he felt from Lukas. Rather pathetically, he decided, talking wasn't his forte. Especially when he felt discomfort.
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PostSubject: Re: Nordlys Island   Nordlys Island - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed 20 May 2015, 11:38


The ship soon came into sight and was placed exactly where Lukas had left it earlier. The three trekked towards it, their feet silent from the sand beneath them as Lukas' neck craned up look at the moon that was now lighting their way. The fireflies were left in the deepest parts of the forest as now the moon gave it's light for them to see.

Lukas heard the other having a little conversation at his side and decided against butting in. He wasn't really up for a conversation right now. Well..he wasnt realy up for having a conversation ever, but seeing as though he was always with Michelle, he was obliged to speak and answer questions and keep conversations. And it looks like now, Emil was, too. Which..kind of amused Lukas. Emil always talked after all. Although he just wasn't sure about that now since he had lived alone in this island..

Lukas looked ahead and saw that they were close, the ramp he had used to get down still there as they approached his large ship. It was actually given to him to sail the seas after he'd earned the title of being second in command. It wasn't such a bad title since he got a lot of privileges along with it.
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PostSubject: Re: Nordlys Island   Nordlys Island - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed 20 May 2015, 12:15


The brunette turned around, looking if Emil was indeed talking to her. Well, it was certain that he was talking to her, both of these boys pretty much traveled on ships. She mulled over thoughtfully as they walked, and then finally said, "Yes, I think so..? If you count those ones underwater or those abandoned ships." A small giggle followed before she added, "I've never been on a ship that isn't sunken or broken, so... I'm eager to see this!"

'Wow', the belle thought as they approached the ship. There was a ramp provided fro them to walk on, and her grasp on Lukas' hand tightened due to the slope which sort of made it harder to walk on. She didn't want to bother the two so she kept up with their pace, albeit her steps were sloppy and unsteady now.

Finally, the trio were aboard the viking ship, and Michelle had to break away from holding on to Lukas' hand to head over to the poop deck-- brisk walking, even, she had learned by quickening her pace earlier, and leaned over the rails to marvel at the ocean at night. With the moon and the stars reflecting on the glimmering, deep waters, it was a lovely and familiar sight to see; she loves it, she always will. "We're so high up from the water..!"
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PostSubject: Re: Nordlys Island   Nordlys Island - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed 20 May 2015, 18:55


As soon as Michelle had let go of his hand, Lukas went right up to the quarter deck where the wheel was and quickly steered them off to the ocean. It would only be a quick sail to their main island which was Moat Freija, and he was fairly happy about that. After being on the seas for so long and maybe start sailing again in a few days if he willed, Lukas wanted to spend as much time in land as he could.

Hearing Michelle's excited chime even when he was high up in his own deck, Lukas let out a faint chuckle, seeing as though he was alone with his thoughts for now, he figured he could let low a little, look up and just relax and watch the moon lead their way and the bed of stars sparkle around it. He sighed. Even after so many nights like this, he admitted that he still needed more.
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PostSubject: Re: Nordlys Island   Nordlys Island - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 22 May 2015, 09:24

Emil listened to the brunettes tales of how she had explored ships sunken at the bottom of the sea and absentmindedly wondered if she had found any  skeletons. While they never bothered him he suspected it must've been startling to find there were creatures like them, just with legs. I wonder if she had ever seen a human before Lukas, he thought padding across the beach to the large ship anchored to the shore. He stopped for a moment to observe the carvings in the hull, they bore symbols of the Viking royalty, something only the royal family or high ranked members of the clan could own. With a sigh Emil boarded the ship onto the main deck.

The silver haired boy observed the scenery with content. The dark waves lapped gently at the bottom of the ship while the stars reflected in the ocean. Violet eyes found the faint glow of the fire of Moat Freija, which reminded him.

"We should be going if we are going to make it to the ball," He walked to the front of the ship. "I don't suppose you have formal wear?"
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PostSubject: Re: Nordlys Island   Nordlys Island - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri 22 May 2015, 22:20

Michelle ((I'm just gonna assume you're talking to Sey, so. XD Next post after this should on Moat Freija!))

"Hmm?" The brunette turned at the voice behind her; it was Emil approaching. Formal clothes? She doesn't even have normal clothes! "That is... Right. I don't have a formal attire." Michelle sheepishly grinned, raising her arms a little to show the cloak covering her frame. "I only have your brother's cloak because I was cold earlier." Said cloak was long and warm enough, but the littlest movements could reveal more of her skin than necessary; though as someone who actually doesn't need to wear clothes in her previous form, that wasn't her problem. Right now, she just needed clothes because first, a formal attire would be needed to fit in the ball, and second, it would keep her warm. Apparently having a human body changed the way she manages the temperature.

Michelle exhaled noisily, and then called out to the other guy. "Hey, Lukaaaaaas, will you maybe give me some clothes to-- whoa!" She was cut off by the sight of the colossal walls of Moat Freija; walls so vast and big that even if they were still many meters away, they were very visible. "What's that place?" She asked, question directed to the both of them. They were fast approaching Moat Freija.
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