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 Moat Freija

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PostSubject: Re: Moat Freija   Moat Freija - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 25 May 2015, 22:36


Her grin matched the Earl's eager one as she waved hello to him. "Hello! It's so nice to meet you too!" Michelle greeted him, ending it with a small giggle. The energy and enthusiasm of this man was so contagious, she liked it. Nodding when Trym pointed out the dress she was holding, it made her feel better and more confident to attend the ball now! Plus Lukas had pretty much not revealed her secret this time, so she was in a better mood. She picked up a pair of fur and leather boots that were lined up as well; it was easy to see that humans needed footwear, her companions all wore them. Would it make walking more comfortable? Or did these shoes possess some magical abilities?

So, Lukas had a best friend. She watched the three talk and laugh-- well, the latter part being the noisy blonde, and she couldn't help but smile. It was a heartwarming and hilarious scene, really. Trym was quite an adorable, cheerful and loud young man, seemingly opposites with her teacher, but their combination was surprisingly good.

Oh, but she remembered, Lukas was in a sort of a hurry about the ball... "Um, I hate to interrupt, should I wear these clothes now?" Michelle said with a smile on her face, raising the dress, cloak and boots she chose. Well, apparently, growing up in a place where people didn't wear clothes at all, it was no problem to her to be remove the cloak now in the room. She thought it would be rude if she didn't ask permission to do so, though.
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PostSubject: Re: Moat Freija   Moat Freija - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 25 May 2015, 23:52


The Nordic looked away as if not accepting the apology as he held onto his clothes, "You are so noisy. Go get into some clothes already, we're headed for the Ball." Lukas said, turning his head back to Trym again. He sighed at the other's expression. But his thoughts were interrupted when he heard Michelle speak again and Lukas immediately looked over at her as some maids had finally reached the room.

"They'll help you get dressed, just follow them." Lukas instructed as Michelle was then led to the room next door along with her clothes. Lukas watched them exit the room and sighed. Maybe now he could change into some formal clothes. Oh wait. Trym was still here.
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PostSubject: Re: Moat Freija   Moat Freija - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 26 May 2015, 18:37


"Ah." She turned around the moment Lukas' eyes cast a glance over her shoulder, and saw a few women seemingly waiting her. She nodded then to the three, excusing herself before following these people who Lukas said would help her change into that dress to the next room. Michelle was then asked to slip out of the cloak and put it on, and she complied obediently, removing the said garment.

She blinked when the maids tried to put the dress on her out of innocent confusion. Well, four holes was definitely a bit complicated than just a swift latch of the cloak. This fact brought about many questions about wearing clothes, and many unnecessary comments as well.

"Oh, you mean... Oh, so my arm goes here....?"


"...Ah, and the other goes to the other hole?...."

"....Hmm, I pop my head over... There! Oh, lovely, it's a lovely fit!"

"And these? Boots...? Oh, it's so soft..! It's called fur?"

"So, it's sort of the same material as this cloak, right?"

"But why do they have different color-- oh, this footwear is very warm and comfy!"

It have may taken almost an hour before Michelle thanked the maids and basked in her attire, twirling around just to admire the elegance of the dark blue dress as she turned, and then put on the cloak to finish her whole image. The sound of her steps echoed loudly in the hall as she ran-- yes, instinctively-- back to the other room. She knocked on the door of where the guys were, and exclaimed, "Lukas! Emil! Trym! I'm set to go!"
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PostSubject: Re: Moat Freija   Moat Freija - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 26 May 2015, 18:51


"Noisy? Me!?" He exclaimed, feigning outrage that someone would even dare to imply that he was noisy. He dropped the act quickly, though, and gave a small laugh. "Of course! You know me so well" The earl lightly punched Lukas' shoulder in a friendly manner. "But seriously, I am sorry" He added, sounding more serious now, compared to the lighthearted tone from before.

Trym glanced down at his clothes. "I'm already dressed!" He pointed out. "Well, mostly! I'm still gonna put on my best cape, so it'll look even nicer! You know, the red one with gold? Don't you think I look greaaat?" Stop being so obsessed with yourself, Trym. "What're you wearing"

"Really!? Come in!" He called out when he heard the girl knock on the door. He was excited to see the dress. It was a nice dress on a nice girl, and Trym was a big fan of beautiful things.
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PostSubject: Re: Moat Freija   Moat Freija - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 26 May 2015, 20:46


Already being so used to such boisterous acts, Lukas simply took it upon himself to let Trym be and just agree with whatever he said. It wasn't like it was a problem to him at all, really, it just sometimes gets out of hand and the guy just gets into some unnecessary fights because of it, and of course his men would have to fight back and everything leads to chaos that could only end with some form of harsh beating or some along those lines. But to Lukas, it didn't really matter. He was used to it anyway and when he heard the rather serious apology from his so called 'best friend', he let out a small sigh and a nod.

Lukas was still only on his navy blue trousers when he heard the sound of Michelle's voice from the outside and the reply that Trym gave her. The blonde would have been faster at changing if only a certain someone wouldn't have kept him from doing so. He slipped in the longsleeved shirt that was rather thick and had the lighter shade of blue as from the trousers that were also cuffed with thick, black laces. "Yeah, come it." he said.
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PostSubject: Re: Moat Freija   Moat Freija - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 26 May 2015, 21:19


As she listened to the voices behind the door, Michelle finally turned the knob and twirled in to show off the elegant dress she was clothed in, doing a little, clumsy curtsy and catching her balance before she could slip. "Oops, uh, I meant to do what these lovely maidens taught me," Michelle explained with a rather sheepish grin, standing up and dusting off herself. "It's some kind of respectful bow, I suppose?" The fur cloak was thick and long but just added an amount of beauty to the gown she wore. The boots weren't visible due to the garment's length, but hey, she loved how warm and comfy her feet were right now. It was definitely better than walking around barefooted. She beamed at the three warmly and clasped her hands together. "I can't wait! I'm hungry. There must be endless servings of food in whatever palace we are headed to!"
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PostSubject: Re: Moat Freija   Moat Freija - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 26 May 2015, 21:35


"You both look great!!" He said enthusiastically, fastening the golden clasps on his cape. Honestly, they were a huge waste of gold, but they looked really nice and in this kind of situation it was good to show off the fact that you were rich and that you had some kind of power. Otherwise people might not treat him with the respect he deserved. Also, Trym liked looking fancy. There was nothing wrong with that, right?

"Yes!!! Hopefully there'll be lots of food!!" Trym loved food. He didn't eat to live, he lived to eat. It was a wonder he was as healthy as he was, with the amount of food he ate. "And alcohol" He added.
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PostSubject: Re: Moat Freija   Moat Freija - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 27 May 2015, 00:31


He turned away from the two, rolling his eyes at their conversation. He always knew Michelle would get along with aTrym since they were both so bubbly all the time. Lukas slipped in a navy blue, baggy, long sleeved coat that went down three inches below his knee, also having slits from the elbow going on to where the sleeves ended. It's corners were also laced with the same thick, black laces just like the cuffs on his wrists and was open in the middle to reveal the lighter shade of blue that was his inner shirt. He slipped on black, laced up boots and knelt down to begin tying it.

Lukas thought he would prepare himself for this night, since he was sure that if ever there were alcohol, he would surely be the one to carry Trym back to the docks of the Capitol.
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PostSubject: Re: Moat Freija   Moat Freija - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 27 May 2015, 18:19

( Oh my god, so many posts. XD My wifi has been killing me.)

Emil followed Michelle and Lukas into a rather large abode, he suspected the home of the Earl, but his suspicions were soon after confirmed by Lukas. The silver haired Nordic largely ignored any chatter as until they reached a closet and Lukas had displayed many kinds of dress fabrics. Suddenly, a loud, boisterous laugh distracted him from his thoughts and he noticed a tall man with happy, but stupid in his opinion, kind of expression. Violet eyes moved languidly between Lukas and the Earl, and a pang of jealousy arose once more in his chest. But, like the last time he decided to ignore it.
When the Earl turned his attention towards him, Emil nodded his head in greeting instead of taking the outstretched hand. It was rude, Emil acknowledged, but he despised human touch.

Or at least that's what he told himself.

The adolescent turned around, and shifted between the fabrics before he settled on one and picked it up to inspect it. It was mainly an deep violet piece, but the belt, furs, embroidery, and boots themselves were Ivory.
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PostSubject: Re: Moat Freija   Moat Freija - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 27 May 2015, 20:41


Michelle was delighted that the tall blonde man seemed to enjoy the idea of being surrounded by food like her. She giggled and clapped her hands, until she paused at the added word of 'alcohol'. Alcohol? She's heard of it definitely, bottles of numerous liquor being brought to the king's palace underwater. But they were never opened until brought back to surface where many of their elders drank from it... which sort of resulted to a rather strange spell on them. Looking up innocently at Trym, Michelle said, "Alcohol is sort of magical, isn't it?" Maybe that's why he likes them so much!
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PostSubject: Re: Moat Freija   Moat Freija - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed 27 May 2015, 22:38


The blonde heaved a small sigh as he finished clothing himself, wrapping the belt onto himself lastly before inspecting himself in front of a tall mirror that stretched up to the ceiling that was located beside the very end of the long rows of closets. 'Not bad..' the Norwegian thought before hearing Michelle speak.

'Huh, yeah, magic..' he thought to himself as he sighed. They were mostly late now, but Vikings didn't really care about the time just as long as they got to the place where they were supposed to go to.
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PostSubject: Re: Moat Freija   Moat Freija - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 28 May 2015, 00:58


"Not a big fan of talking, eh?" Trym commented to Lukas' brother, and sent Lukas a smile. "You two are definitely related!" His friend had never been a huge fan of talking, which worked well for Trym, since it gave him more time to talk. He did wish that Lukas would talk more about himself, though. The man was incredibly interesting to Trym, which was probably partially due to the fact that Lukas didn't give away too much about himself. It made him more mysterious. " 's nice to meet you" He said and ruffled the shorter man's hair. How old was he? Sixteen? Seventeen?

When alcohol was being compared to magic, Trym couldn't help but laugh. "That's very accurate!" Also, for the record, Trym would never have to be carried back, he could hold his alcohol very well. He'd only been in that kinda situation a... couple of times. One, two... maybe five.
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PostSubject: Re: Moat Freija   Moat Freija - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 28 May 2015, 01:12


After looking himself over, he mentally nodded. Lukas didn't really give much thought about what he looked or what he wore..or even about these such events. But he liked the thought of being invited to a Ball for once and he liked the thought of attending one. Really, this would be his first time and he thought that he would have to look good (or at least at tolerance) at this.

Lukas started walking over to where Michelle and Trym were, quiet yet expecting for them to be finished so they could finally head to the ship and to the Ball.
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PostSubject: Re: Moat Freija   Moat Freija - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 28 May 2015, 01:37


"Sooooo-... are we leaving soon? You guys ready, hm?" He questioned. "You look nice" Lukas really did look nice, and when people looked nice, it was good to tell them. Especially if they were your friend.

Trym was actually really looking forward to the ball now. It'd probably be great, and he hoped they could leave soon. "This'll be fun, yeah?"
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PostSubject: Re: Moat Freija   Moat Freija - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 28 May 2015, 06:49


Her eyes twinkled with Trym's agreement. So it was magical, no wonder their elders wouldn't let them try it! She grinned with her reply. "Perhaps I should try one for myself, too." Maybe it could restore her ability to use even the slightest magic as a human?

She turned around, the dress sweeping a little circle from her movement. Holding on to her cloak, Michelle nodded eagerly. "I'm hoping it would be enjoyable! It's my first time. We should head there now!"

((Aaaand pronto, we should officially head there after one or two more posts here about leaving on a ship or some shit. Or maybe we could just get our asses over the King's Castle and just say they travelled by ship there. Lol))
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PostSubject: Re: Moat Freija   Moat Freija - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 28 May 2015, 10:04


The blonde looked away at the compliment although he liked it since he really didn't get any compliments from the Earl..except maybe for useless ones one while sailing and having a small voyage on the ship. Lukas remained silent and waited for the other's to speak and head for the ship and the Capitol.

((I think Den should do the honors, since he's the Earl and all. And so, I am officially missing Ice. Yo, ICE. CALL ME BIG BRO CAUSE I MISS YA.))
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PostSubject: Re: Moat Freija   Moat Freija - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 28 May 2015, 18:08

Emil huffed indignantly when the Earl ruffled his hair," Please," He finally spoke looking the tall man in the eyes," I would rather my hair not look like yours." He turned his gaze to where Michelle looked like an excited child about to receive a sweet. " I don't think you should have an substances of the sort," he said adamantly. Trym and Michelle were already a handful, both had the energy of pups, Emil really didn't want to try and keep them out of trouble when they were drunk. He would definitely not touch the alcohol, his drunken self was idiotic.

Afterwards, he slipped away into a separate room to change. After he put on the main piece, he wrapped the belt around his waist, and laced up the ivory boots which were much like his own. Violet eyes inspected himself in the mirror, seemingly satisfied, Emil joined the others. He carefully folded his clothes neatly and placed them in his satchel before tugging the strap over his shoulder. With his other hand he picked up his other boots and looked expectantly at the Earl and Lukas.
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PostSubject: Re: Moat Freija   Moat Freija - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 28 May 2015, 21:15


"What." The belle pouted at Emil's disagreement. But alcohol was supposed to be magical! Was it a wicked form of magic...? With a sigh she decided to give up the argument and just picked her satchel from the bed and hung it over her shoulder.

She turned to the youngest Nordic with a knowing grin then. "Just don't forget, you promised to teach me how to dance, and you promised to be my partner, too."

With eager eyes, she looked up at the taller men, Lukas and Trym, hinting that she was raring to go.
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PostSubject: Re: Moat Freija   Moat Freija - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 28 May 2015, 21:21


He eyed the boy who was suddenly back from the other room and nodded at him, "You..look good, Emil." Lukas complimented, his face actually brighter than earlier, hinting that if he was the one to smile always, he would be smiling right now. He looked up at Trym and nodded before started to walk out of the room, willing the others to follow as they now went to exit the building and the large gates of Moat Freija, now heading to the ships.
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